Contacts for emergencies
Here you will find relevant information, downloads, and interesting links.
Important phone numbers:
Police 110
Emergency 112
(Who is it, What happened, Where did it happen, How many are injured, What type of injury, Wait for questions)
Poison emergency center call (030) 192 40
On-call medical care for public insurance 116 117
On call pediatrician (030) 310 031
‘KinderArztRUF’ (pediatric emergency service for privately insured patients) 0700 1972 0000
Pharmacies on call
Emergency dental service (030) 8900 4333
Child protection services Berlin (030) 610 061
Crisis Telephone Children 0800 111 0 333
Emergency services in Berlin and Potsdam:
DRK Children's Hospital Westend, Spandauer Damm 130, 14050 Berlin, (030) 30 35 40 90
HELIOS Hospital Emil von Behring / Children's Hospital Heckeshorn, Walterhöferstrasse 11, 14165 Berlin-Zehlendorf, (030) 8102 1900
St. Joseph Hospital Berlin-Tempelhof, Wüsthoffstrasse 15, 12101 Berlin, (030) 788 227 10
Charité Campus Virchow Hospital, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin (Mittelallee 8), (030) 450 566 128
Vivantes Hospital Friedrichshain, Landsberger Allee 49, 10249 Berlin, (030) 130 231 472
SANA Hospital Lichtenberg, Fanningerstrasse 32, 10365 Berlin, (030) 55 18 5104
Vivantes Hospital Neukölln, Rudower Straße 48, 12351 Berlin, (030) 130 148 250
HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch, Schwanebecker Chaussee 50, 13125 Berlin, (030) 940 112 444
Protestant Waldkrankenhaus Spandau, Stadtrandstrasse 555, 13589 Berlin, (030) 3702 28 28
Hospital Ernst von Bergmann, Charlottenstrasse 72, 14467 Potsdam, (0331) 241 359 18
Professional association of physicians in child and adolescent medicine:
German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine:
American Association of Paediatricians:
AG asthma training:
Prevention and Information Network: Allergy / Asthma:
German Allergy and Asthma Association:
Society for Pediatric Allergology and Environmental Medicine:
Vaccinations / infections
Robert Koch Institute for Infection Issues, Vaccinations:
Paul Ehrlich Institute for Infection Issues, Vaccinations: